人をつなぐ 世界を変える

United People Films Terms of Use

These terms and conditions (“Terms and Conditions”) govern the use of films distributed by or in cooperation with United People, Corp. (hereinafter referred to as the “Company”)

Article 1 (Contents of the Service)
The Company shall provide users with rental services (hereinafter referred to as the “Service”) for films that the Company distributes or cooperates in the distribution of. (hereinafter referred to as the “Service”).

Article 2 (Application Procedures and Payment)
1. upon using the Service, the User shall access the page for the film he/she wishes to view, enter the required information, and make an application. 2.

2. After the application in the preceding paragraph has been made, the Company shall send a confirmation e-mail to the User.

3. This contract will be concluded at the time the email described in the preceding paragraph is sent. After that, cancellation is not possible except in the case of default by our company.

4. After the agreement in the preceding paragraph is concluded, we will provide the user with the materials for screening.

5.The user shall pay the screening fee for this service in advance to the bank account separately designated by our company. Bank transfer fees shall be borne by the User.

6. The screening fee shall be a daily license with a minimum guaranteed fee per day (hereinafter referred to as the “Minimum Guaranteed Fee”). However, if the number of participants x 5 USD exceeds the Minimum Guaranteed Fee, the Screening Fee shall be the number of participants x 5 USD.

7. Users shall report the number of participants within one week after the end of the screening. If the number of participants x 5 USD exceeds the minimum guaranteed fee, an additional fee must be paid within one month after the screening.

8. the user must pay the music copyright fee depending on the film shown. Please refer to the film introduction page of this service for information on music copyright royalty fees.

9. We will not refund the fee received under any circumstances.

Article 3 (Prohibited Matters)

1. In using the Service, the Company prohibits the following acts by the user

(1) Allow a third party to use the Screening Materials

(2) Infringing the copyrights or trademarks of the Company or any third party by recording, videotaping, or distributing part or all of a film on the Service

(3) Violating laws, regulations, or these Terms of Use

(4) Acts that may be detrimental to public order or good morals

(5) Other acts that we deem inappropriate.

2. In the event that we deem that a user violates the prohibitions set forth in this Article or any other of these Terms and Conditions, we may promptly suspend all or part of the provision of this service.

3. We shall not be liable for any damages incurred by the user as a result of the measures described in the preceding paragraph.

Article 4 (Copyright) 

1. The copyrights (including the rights stipulated in Article 27 and 28 of the Japanese Copyright Act and neighboring rights) to the movies provided by our company in this service are the property of our company or our company’s licensors.

2. Users may not reproduce, reprint, publicly transmit, alter, or otherwise use any information or content provided by this company in this service beyond the scope of personal use as stipulated by copyright law, regardless of the method or form.

Article 5 (Suspension of the Service, etc.)

1 We may suspend provision of all or part of the Service without notice to the User in any of the following cases 

(1) When inspection, maintenance, construction, etc. of the system, equipment, etc. necessary for the provision of the Service becomes necessary.

(2) If provision of the Service becomes difficult due to fire, power outage, natural disaster, or other emergency

(3) In any other case in which we deem it necessary to suspend provision of the Service.

2. When we deem it difficult to continue providing the Service, when we deem it necessary to discontinue the Service for our operation, or when other unavoidable circumstances arise, we may discontinue providing the Service after notifying the User.

3. We shall not be liable for any disadvantage or damage incurred by the user as a result of this Article.

4. Even if we discontinue or abolish the provision of this service, the user must pay the amount deducting the price corresponding to the period of discontinuance or abolition of this service from the screening fee determined by us.

Article 6 (Compensation for Damages)

1. In the event that a user causes damage to our company in connection with a violation of these Terms of Use or use of this service, the user shall indemnify our company for damages (including lost profits and attorney’s fees).

2. In the event that we cause damage to the user due to reasons attributable to us, we will compensate the user within the scope of normal damages (excluding special damages, lost profits, indirect damages, and attorney’s fees) that have actually and directly occurred, and we will not be held liable for any other damages. We will compensate up to the amount of the usage fees for this service that we have received from the user.

3. The provisions of the preceding paragraph shall not apply in the event of intentional or gross negligence on our part, or in the event that the user is a consumer under the Consumer Contract Act.

Article 7 (Cancellation)

We may terminate this agreement without any notice, etc., if any of the following items applies to the user

(1) The User violates this Agreement.

(2) The business license or business registration has been suspended or revoked by the supervisory authority.

(3) If a bill or check is dishonored or otherwise becomes insolvent.

(4) When a petition for commencement of bankruptcy proceedings, special liquidation proceedings, corporate reorganization proceedings, civil rehabilitation proceedings, or other legal insolvency proceedings (including those instituted after the execution of this Agreement) has been filed, or when there is a likelihood thereof.

⑸ When a seizure, provisional seizure, provisional disposition, petition for auction, disposition for tax delinquency, or other disposition by public authority has been made, or is likely to be made. However, minor cases that do not materially affect the performance of the Agreement, etc. shall be excluded.

⑹ When there has been no response to our communications for one month.

(7) When we otherwise deem it inappropriate.

Article 8 (Disclaimer)

1. We do not guarantee any of the following items to the user.

(1) The completeness, accuracy, validity, etc. of the contents of the service.

(2) That the Service will not be interrupted, suspended or otherwise impaired.

2. We shall not be liable for any of the following damages

(1) Damages incurred by the user due to the user’s failure to change his/her registration information.

(2) Damages incurred by users due to unauthorized access or other unforeseen acts.

(3) Damages incurred by the user in the event of trouble with a third party (whether within or outside the service) in connection with the use of the service.

3. The user shall provide all necessary equipment, means of communication and transportation to receive this service at the user’s expense and responsibility. All communication costs required for use of the Service shall be borne by the User.

Article 9 (Handling of Personal Information)

We will properly handle personal information obtained in connection with the Service in accordance with the Privacy Policy set forth by us.

Article 10 (Governing Law and Jurisdiction)

1. These Terms and Conditions shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of Japan.

Any and all disputes arising out of or in connection with these Terms and Conditions shall be subject to the exclusive jurisdiction of the Fukuoka Summary Court or the Fukuoka District Court.

Article 11 (Modification of Terms and Conditions)

1. We may modify the Terms and Conditions in accordance with Article 548-4 (Modification of Standard Terms and Conditions) of the Civil Code (Law No. 89 of 1896), if it becomes necessary to modify the Terms and Conditions due to amendments to laws and regulations, changes in social conditions, or other circumstances.

2. in the event of modification of the Terms and Conditions pursuant to the preceding paragraph, we shall specify the effective date of such modification and make the following matters known to the public by posting on our website or by other means by the effective date.

(1) A notice that these Terms of Use are being changed

(2) The contents of the revised Terms of Use

(3) Effective date

If a user uses the service after the notification of changes to the Terms of Service in the preceding paragraph, or if the user does not follow the procedures for cancellation within the period specified by us, the user is deemed to have agreed to the changes to the Terms of Service.

Supplementary Provisions

Enacted on August 1, 2024